HomeSARAWAKBERITA69 peratus undi Instagram suruh bunuh diri, remaja perempuan maut terjun bangunan

69 peratus undi Instagram suruh bunuh diri, remaja perempuan maut terjun bangunan

KUCHING: Seorang remaja 16 tahun merealisasikan undian netizen yang mengundinya untuk “mati” dengan terjun bangunan di tingkat tiga sebuah rumah kedai di Bandar Baru Batu Kawah dekat sini malam tadi.

Ketua Polis Daerah Padawan, Superintenden Aidil Bolhassan memberitahu, mangsa membuat undian tersebut melalui akaun Instagram.

“Sebanyak 69 peratus rakan instagram mangsa menyokong hasratnya untuk mati menerusi kotak undi yang dimuat naik sekitar jam 3 petang semalam.

Mangsa sebelum itu menulis catatan ‘Really Important, Help Me Choose D/L pada kotak undi.

D bermaksud ‘die’ (mati) manakala L bermaksud ‘live’ (hidup).

Mangsa turut memuat naik status ‘WANNA QUIT F**KING LIFE I’ M TIRED’ dalam facebooknya.

Semakan pada telefon bimbitnya pula, menemui status WeChat yang mengucapkan sayang kepada kawan-kawannya, yang ditulis dalam bahasa Cina.

Kata Aidil, remaja tersebut dipercayai tertekan selepas bapa tirinya berkahwin dengan wanita Vietnam di Singapura dan jarang pulang ke rumah mereka.

Mangsa ditemui sekitar jam 8.00 malam oleh seorang lelaki, yang kemudian melaporkan insiden tersebut kepada Balai Polis Batu Kawa.

Mayat mangsa kata Aidil, kemudian dibawa ke Jabatan Forensik Hospital Umum Sarawak untuk prosedur bedah siasat, yang dijadualkan petang ini.

Tiada unsur jenayah dikesan di lokasi dan kes diklasifikasikan sebagai mati mengejut.

16yo Girl in Kuching Committed Suicide After 69% of People Voted For Her To Die in IG Poll

A 16-year-old in Kuching, Sarawak committed suicide after netizens voted for her to end her life via an Instagram (IG) poll.

According to Astro Awani, the teenager jumped from the third floor of a shoplot in Bandar Baru Batu Kawa, last night (13th May). Chief policeman of the Padawan district, Superintendent Aidil Bolhassan, was quoted as saying,

“About 69 per cent of her IG followers supported her decision (to end her life) via the poll, which was created around 3pm yesterday.”

FYI, she had created an IG poll which read: “Really Important, Help Me Choose D(Die)/ L (Life)”, and allowed the netizens to decide her fate.

Besides that, she also posted a Facebook status indicating that she was tired of life. Her Facebook post, which was all in caps read,


After the authorities checked the victim’s mobile phone, they figured out that the girl had written a heartfelt WeChat status to her friends in Chinese before committing suicide.

Aidil explained that the girl might have felt stressed after her step-dad married a Vietnamese woman in Singapore. Apparently, both of them (the step-father and his wife) rarely come back home.

The victim’s body was found by a man at around 8pm, and he immediately reported the incident to the Batu Kawa police station. Following that, the victim’s brother and Indonesian mother also stumbled upon her corpse when they were on their way home after dinner.

Additionally, Aidil shared that the victim’s corpse was brought to the Forensic Department of Sarawak’s General Hospital for an autopsy. The authorities then concluded that there was no criminal motive detected and the case was classified as sudden death.

On that note, if you think you’re going through a rough time and need some help, you can always reach out to Befrienders KL at 603-79568145, or you can also visit their website for more information. Remember, you are never alone!

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