HomeSARAWAKBERITAPlantation workers freaked out by sight of strange creature

Plantation workers freaked out by sight of strange creature


SIBU: An early morning that was supposed to be a routine start for a team of Indonesian workers turned into a rather shocking one when they encountered a strange-looking animal at an oil palm plantation along the Bintangor-Sibu Road near here yesterday.

According to one of them, the creature charged at them at one point.

“We were shocked. None of us has ever seen such thing. One of us then hit the animal until it appeared to have passed out,” a worker said, adding that the animal had sharp claws.

“It could be a rare species of bear. When it regained consciousness, we forced it to go back into the jungle,” he said.

According to the worker, they did not inform the authorities about the incident.


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